Collins first novel of the series, The Underland Chronicles, follows an 11-year-old boy in New York City drawn into a fantastic subterranean world where humans coexist with giant anthropomorphic sewer dwellers such as rats and cockroaches.
For the prophecy of Bane predicts that only Gregor – the “Overland warrior” – can destroy the great white hope of the rats and their bid to wipe out all humans in the Underland. But they also believe that if they kill Gregor's baby sister, Boots, it will break Gregor's spirit and he won't be able to stop them.
With two prophecies fulfilled, Gregor is now focused on the Prophecy of Blood, which calls for Gregor and Boots to return to the Underland to help ward off a plague. But this time, his mother refuses to let him go until Ripred the rat convinces her that Gregor and Boots need to stay for only a brief meeting. Gregor's mom relents, provided she is allowed to travel with them. When they arrive in the subterranean city, the plague is spreading--and it has claimed one of his closest companions. Only then does Gregor start to understand how the illness plays with the fate of all warmblooded creatures, but he still doesn't know how he can help combat it.
In the fourth book of the series, The Underland Chronicles, Gregor is drawn ever deeper into a brewing crisis. For generations, rats have run the mice out of whatever lands they've claimed, keeping them constantly on the move. But now the mice are disappearing and the young queen Luxa is determined to find out why.
When twelve-year-old Gregor finally learns the ancient prophecy, which foretells his death, he must gather his courage to defend Regalia from the army of rats, take his mother and sister home safely, and fight his own dark side.